“For Garmont And Myself, It Is A Pleasure To Help GCC And The Rangers In This Project”

Garmont President Piero

GCC is proud to announce our official partnership with Garmont. Last week, an agreement was signed that lists Garmont as a high level sponsor of GCC, with specific emphasis on supporting our ranger partners at the Timbavati Private Game Reserve in South Africa. Garmont will be by GCC’s side on all the related projects. More details and activations will be announced in the coming weeks. Part of the sponsorship includes custom boots for every member of the field ranger division. “Since rangers cover huge amounts of ground in a single day, protecting their feet is of vital importance”, said GCC President Matt Lindenberg. “Rangers are the primary reason wildlife still endures in conservation areas, and we need to do all we can to empower and equip them.”

Garmont specializes in creating some of the world’s toughest and durable mountaineering and adventure footwear, which makes them a perfect fit for conservation rangers. The boots are in production and will be presented to the rangers in July, 2019.

“It hurts to think that kids born in 2030 might know rhinos only from history books. We just can’t stand looking: it is time to move and act to help wildlife and the planet”. “We couldn’t be more grateful for these incredible boots”, said Sergeant Anton Mzimba. These boots show us that the world cares about what we do. These boots will take us places.” We cannot wait to see where this adventure takes us.

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