Future Rangers Scholarship Highlight:
Annejie Mkansi shares her story

Annejie Mkansi has just started her ranger training after successfully earning a Future Rangers Scholarship place at the South African Wildlife College. She talks to GCC’s Matt Lindenberg about her love for nature and what it means for her to start on a new journey to become a ranger.

Read more about Annejie’s ranger journey here.

Annejie Mkansi

World Ranger Day 2020

On July 31st we celebrated World Ranger Day 2020. We at GCC are humbled, honored and proud to stand with our brave brothers and sisters who risk their lives to protect wildlife and conserve our planet’s natural treasures. We celebrate their bravery, dedication and commitment to a world filled with wildlife.

We would also like to deeply honor those rangers who have fallen in the line of duty. In the last 10 years, the world has lost over 1,000 rangers to poachers, war, and conflict. We hold the families of those rangers who are no longer with us, sincerely in our hearts today. The world is truly indebted to the service of rangers, for without them, little wildlife would still remain.

Earth Overshoot Day: A Day to Mourn

Robert Ludke, Advisor to the GCC Board

You probably did not pay much attention to July 29, 2019, unless it was your birthday, wedding anniversary, or the start of summer vacation. But July 29, 2019 was “Earth Overshoot Day” – the day each year when we use up our allowance of natural resources the Earth is able to regenerate and replenish in a year.

That means from July 30 to December 31, 2019, we lived on borrowed time. We are consuming, degrading, and polluting our resources – water, soil, and air, to name a few – faster than they can recover and regenerate to help sustain our lives. At our current pace, we need 1.6 Earths to support our demand for natural resources.

This is the equivalent of living beyond your paycheck and needing to dip into your long-term savings account by the middle of the year because you are out of money. Just as you will run out of money, society will run out of the most basic resources it needs to function.

Read more about Earth Overshoot Day here

Meet the GCC Team: Justin Walker

Justin Walker, GCC’s Chief Operating Officer, has been one of the founding members of the non-profit. In this interview, he talks about how his love for filmmaking led him into the humanitarian space, why the team needs to stay laser focused, and why he gets up at 4 am in the morning.

Learn more about Justin and GCC: Conversation with Justin Walker

Fifth COVID Ranger Relief Food Delivery

It has been five months since GCC’ COVID Ranger Relief Food Campaign. We are happy to report that the fifth delivery of food provisions are already with the rangers and their families.

Again, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your support. We would not have been able to help our brave rangers if not for your generosity!

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