Winos for Rhinos

Winos for Rhinos Fundraiser hosted by Global Conservation Corps

The Global Conservation Corps invites you to our first live post-COVID event – “Winos for Rhinos” – a night of food, wine and conversation with on the ground conservation workers from around the globe. Join us to hear real life stories from GCC team members and partners as we share how we are all working together to give a voice to nature.

The event will also feature live music from Atlanta recording artist Sam Burchfield. Burchfield’s latest album, ‘Graveyard Flower’, seeks to reconnect to the Appalachian roots that raised him. In a world of cell phones and internet distractions, this body of work beckons the listener to plant their feet firmly in the soil. Reconnect to the land, reconnect to each other.

Conservation discussion topics will include:

  • Connecting with local communities and cultures to create symbiotic relationships with wildlife
  • Stories from the front lines of poaching prevention, biodiversity protection and wildlife conservation
  • Harnessing technology to empower conservation efforts and conservation in vulnerable areas
  • How you can get involved by protecting nature around the world and in your own backyard

Register for the event here!

Help GCC Create Conservation Pathways This #GivingTuesday

Creating Conservation Pathways on Giving Tuesday

This #GivingTuesday you can get directly involved in creating “Conservation Pathways” through our work in South Africa. With a significant disconnect between local communities and their surrounding wildlife, it’s our mission to create pathways for a harmonious relationship between people and wildlife. Through our revolutionary education platform “Future Rangers”, we work every day to connect local youth with the natural world. Join us this #GivingTuesday by supporting one of the Impact Pathways below!

What your gifts can accomplish:

  • $15 – Sends a student on a safari to help them connect with wildlife on a personal level
  • $50 – Provides 50 tree seedlings for a class to plant in their local community
  • $250 – Sends an entire class on their 1st ever safari to help them fall in love with nature

Click here to support us this #GivingTuesday!

Matt Lindenberg Visits the Morgridge Family Foundation

The last 3 weeks have been incredibly productive since Matt’s been back on U.S. soil! The highlight has been spending time with team members and GCC friends across the country. Matt spent a week with the Morgridge Family Foundation in Denver, which included a behind the scenes visit to Rudy the Rhino at the Denver Zoo and a team hike in the Rocky Mountains. GCC’s Vice President, Ellie Milano was also able to meet up with Matt and MFF in Denver for some team building events. We’ve also been planning our upcoming events, organizational strategy and program expansion for 2022. A lot of exciting developments in the pipeline – stay tuned!

Mbhoni Mzamani Shares “Careers in Conservation” on Local Radio

Mbhoni Mzamani Visits Local Radio Stations to Talk About "Careers in Conservation"

The last 3 weeks have been incredibly productive since Matt’s been back on U.S. soil! The highlight has been spending time with team members and GCC friends across the country. Matt spent a week with the Morgridge Family Foundation in Denver, which included a behind the scenes visit to Rudy the Rhino at the Denver Zoo and a team hike in the Rocky Mountains. GCC’s Vice President, Ellie Milano was also able to meet up with Matt and MFF in Denver for some team building events. We’ve also been planning our upcoming events, organizational strategy and program expansion for 2022. A lot of exciting developments in the pipeline – stay tuned!

“Voices of Nature” Podcast: Andrea Heydlauff on Why Protecting Nature Fosters Human Development

Andrea Heydlauff: Voices of Nature Podcast Guest

In this episode we speak with Andrea Heydlauff, the Chief Marketing and Communications Officer for African Parks Network. African Parks is a non-profit conservation organization that takes on the complete responsibility for the rehabilitation and long-term management of national parks in partnership with governments and local communities across Africa. It manages 19 national parks and protected areas in 11 countries covering over 14.7 million hectares.

Andrea has written and co-authored numerous scientific and popular publications on conservation, has spoken widely at conferences and is an award-winning filmmaker. Her interests lie heavily in human dimensions, community engagement, education, media and creative storytelling – topics we explore in detail during this episode of Voices of Nature.

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