RHINO MAN Launches Today!

RHINO MAN Launches Today: July 26, 2024

Dear Friends of GCC,

After nine years in the making, we’re proud to share that RHINO MAN officially launches into the world today!

We’ve chosen this specific day to launch the film, as it marks the two-year anniversary since the films’ leading star, Anton Mzimba, left this world.

On the 26th July, 2022, we lost a friend, a mentor, and a visionary leader. Two weeks before Anton was killed, he watched RHINO MAN, and gave us his blessing to launch this film into the world. It was imperative that Anton approved and supported the stories represented in this film.

Leading up to this launch, nearly 1,000 rangers across 12 African countries have watched the film. It was vital to us that rangers from many walks of life felt RHINO MAN accurately told their collective story with dignity, pride, and admiration.

In 2015, RHINO MAN star, Ruben de Kock, said:

“As long as this movie makes rangers look good, you’ve got my full support”. 

From conception, we’re always used this perspective as a guiding light. After Anton was murdered, we showed the film to his family at a private screening at the Timbavati Private Nature Reserve. At the end of the movie, Anton’s father said:

“You put this film out into the world, and you tell everyone about my son. The world needs to know his name.”

And so dear friends, as we cross this Olympian finish line, we ask you but one final thing – watch RHINO MAN through one of the links below, and remember Anton Mzimba.

Remember the rangers.

Remember their sacrifice, their passion, and their dedication.

Remember that we can all stand up for something bigger than ourselves – that there is hope as long as good people stand up when the time calls.

Ladies and Gentlemen. We present to you, RHINO MAN.

Now streaming on Apple TV, Google Play, Vimeo on Demand, and soon to come on Amazon Prime and Fandango.

Go to rhinomanthemovie.org for ways to watch.

Thank you, and enjoy the film!


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