Aral Sea Productions: Disrupting the Film Industry
In this episode we talk with Pauline Blanchet and Thea Sun of Aral Sea Productions. Both are accomplished journalists, artists, and advocates who take an inspiring approach to telling stories about people, nature, and many of the really serious challenges we face as a society – all while injecting a fair amount of disruption into the film industry.
Guest Profile:
Episode 14: Aral Sea Productions
Pauline Blanchet is a photographer, videographer and producer. After graduating from SOAS, University of London Pauline founded Aral Sea Productions which seeks to widen participation in the creation of documentaries, photography, and audio. Aral Sea projects deal with issues of social and political importance. Her work has been shortlisted for the London Development Photography Competition and has been awarded numerous grants.
Thea Sun is a producer and filmmaker. She is most drawn to the combination of film and narrative, seeking subjects within her interest of history and humanities. Her multicultural background spurs a desire to explore stories from different cultures, ethnicities, and ideologies.
Aral Sea Productions Website
Aral Sea is seeking proposals from interested authors and artists:
contact them here!